Professional Development
For Administrators, Teachers, Staff and Parents
We offer training on the basics of dual language immersion programs and the essential elements necessary to ensure successful program implementation.
Our team will tailor professional development for your DLI team based on the needs of your program.
Sample offerings:
Dual Language Immersion 101: Foundational Knowledge
*Oracy in Dual Language Immersion Programs: The importance of student talk for bilingual development
90/10 English Instruction K - 3rd grade
Holistic Biliteracy Instruction K- 6: How to effectively deliver Language Arts instruction in two languages
Cross Language Connections in Biliteracy Instruction
Signature Professional Development
Dr. Grimalt is a leader in the area of Oracy Development in the DLI classroom. Teachers and Administrators will learn how to embed oracy in their daily instruction.
Contact us for more information on our two offerings:
Oracy in the Dual Language Classroom TK-2
Oracy in the Dual Language Classroom 3-6