¡Echar porras! Shout Outs!
¡Echar porras!
Shout Outs!
Shout outs are a great way to build community.
In Dual Language Immersion Programs,
Shout Outs are an effective way to give
students an opportunity to talk and develop oracy skills.
Shout Outs provide an opportunity for students to use their second/new language orally by producing words, phrases or short sentences to celebrate a peer.
Shout Outs can be used in the classroom as early as
Transitional Kinder/Kindergarten.
Here are some ideas for implementation by grade level span:
Select one word to use for the Shout Out. Examples in Spanish: Bravo, Bien, Fabuloso
Teacher models: Example: As students arrive in the morning and take their seat on the rug, Teacher gives the students who sit quickly a Shout Out. “Bravo, Susana”
In subsequent weeks, teachers can Shout Out chorally with students. Teacher shout out, then students repeat the shout out chorally.
Once you feel the students are ready. Invite them to share individually. (In TK/K it may take several weeks before students are ready to Shout Out individually depending on the language balance of the class.) They would be expected to say “Bravo, Miguel!” o -!Muy bien, Sandra!
Shout Outs are a simple way to motivate students to use their new/2nd language in a supportive environment.
1st-2nd Grade
Select phrases to use for the Shout Outs.
First and second graders in DLI will still need language support, however most students have well developed receptive skills.
Teacher may start the year with one word Shout Outs to model for students or move to phrases and sentences supported by sentence frames. Introduce one sentence frame at a time. Example: Ex: Bravo (insert student name) por/porque (insert reason) or Muy Bien(insert student name) por/porque (insert reason).
Great way to get to talk from the first day of school.
3rd - 6th Grade
Students in this grade span should have well developed receptive language and varying degrees of productive language. Use sentence starters if necessary, but these students can begin to participate as early as the first day of school.
Always begin by modeling for the students. Tell students that throughout the day you will give them opportunities to give a shout out to their peers.
After Recess
Shout Outs can also be used when students come in from recess or lunch. Once the students are in the classroom, ask: “Who would like to give a shout out for someone who played nicely on the playground?” “Vamos a echar porras a nuestros amigos que fueron buenos compañeros en el patio de recreo.” Students can reply: Gracias Ana por compartir la pelota.
Celebrate Language
Celebrate all attempts at using the instructional language. Approximations and code-switching should be supported. Listen to your students use of oral language. Oral language development provides keys to reading and writing development.